The railway bridge over the northern end of Portland Road creates beneath it a very poor quality public area, which is dark, unappealing and dirty. It has become a foreboding barrier dividing South Norwood into two halves.

Portland Road Railway Bridge
Despite the current situation, the bridge has the potential to be transformed into positive linking space. This could form an important project within the wider South Norwood regeneration strategy. A comprehensive and unified project is required by Network Rail and Croydon Council, potentially with outside funding from the GLA and possibly other sources, to transform this space.
Our vision is to transform this negative urban space into an attractive gateway, linking Portland Road to the rest of the centre of South Norwood, through a public art installation-led public realm solution.
Once a viable project is established the designer/artist would be appointed. They will develop the initial designs which will be costed. Once all parties have signed off the initial scheme, the local community will be consulted on the development of the proposals. Given the approach of having a design-led approach, all creative thinking should remain the property and copyright of the artist until the project is completed.