We’ve embarked on an ambitious project to green Portland Road!
Our vision is to plant 16 new street trees along the southern end of Portland Road, where the pavements are wider, between Belmont Road and Harrington Road.

Imagine how much more attractive this part of Portland Road would look lined with 16 more trees!
Can you help us?
Portland Road is a busy road with heavy traffic, and so suffers from some of the usual issues such as noise and pollution.
Donate here
Street trees do so much for us:
- improve the quality of the air we breathe
- absorb pollution
- capture carbon dioxide and produce oxygen
- add colour and interest to our streets
- provide food and shelter for insects and birds
Research also shows that having trees around improves our health and wellbeing, both physical and mental.
Who’s involved?
We are working with Trees for Streets treesforstreets.org, a national charity project aiming to increase the number of trees in urban areas, and Croydon Council who will plant and maintain the trees. All funds will be held by Trees for Streets until after the work has been completed.
Our overall fundraising target is £13,600
This target includes creating the tree pits to plant into, planting by a specialist contractor, watering, and other necessary maintenance for the first 3 years.
We’ve committed £2,000 of our own funds to this project and community group, We Love SE25, has matched this amount.
Trees for Streets has also contributed £2,000 of seed funding to our campaign.
This means we have £6,000 to kick things off.
So we’re almost halfway there…
Please help us and donate what you can!
Share with your friends, neighbours and family to spread the word. We will all benefit from more trees in our community but it won’t happen without the funds to make it happen. We want to plant the trees this coming winter!
To donate please visit the Trees for Streets donation page.
Thank you for your generosity!